This lesson focuses on hands-on experiences to show the understanding of the concepts of length, weight, time, temperature, and volume. (Most appropriate for grade levels 3-5.)
Lesson Time: 55-60 minutes
Adult Demonstration: Before sending students to the five stations, each station will be introduced. At this time, materials can be shown, and directions can be explained.
Student Activity: Student groups will move through five separate stations to work through measurement challenges.
- measuring liquids – using cups, ounces, and teaspoons
- measuring weight – using digital scales and analog scales
- finding area
- measuring time and temperature – using digital and analog clocks, Fahrenheit and Celsius
- measuring length and width – using non standard units, rulers, and tape measures
Group work: Students will work in groups of 2-3 students. In order to save time, teachers are asked to create the groups before our Wizard arrives.
Math Standards:
3.MD.4: Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch.
3.MD.5: Recognize area as an attribute of plane figures and understand concepts of area measurement.
4.MD.1: Know relative sizes of the metric measurement units within one system of units. Metric units include kilometer, meter, centimeter, and millimeter; kilogram and gram; and liter and milliliter.
5.MD.1: Know relative sizes of these U.S. customary measurement units: pounds, ounces, miles, yards, feet, inches, gallons, quarts, pints, cups, fluid ounces, hours, minutes, and seconds. Convert between pounds and ounces; miles and feet; yards, feet, and inches; gallons, quarts, pints, cups, and fluid ounces; hours, minutes, and seconds in solving multi-step, real-world problems.
Technology Standard:
3-5.ST.2.a: Create a plan and select collaboration and/or communication tools to complete a given task.