WOW! TV for Teachers

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for Teachers

The WOW! TV for Teachers flight offers videos of many of our WOW! in the Classroom lessons.

  • Many teachers use our videos while deciding on which lesson to request through WOW! in the Classroom or WOW! on Wheels.
  • Other teachers use the video as they prepare to teach the WOW! lesson themselves.
  • Best yet, the WOW! TV video can be shared with your students, instead of scheduling a WOW! in the Classroom visit, and instead of presenting it yourself.

The video is the complete lesson, exactly what a WPAFB Volunteer would teach and do during an in-person visit. As we teach the lesson, and give directions, we'll tell you when to pause the video, so students have time to complete the hands-on activities.

As teachers plan to use the video in their classroom, they can schedule a delivery of materials through WOW! on Wheels.

We’d love to hear about your experience with our WOW! TV for Teachers videos. Please share your feedback.

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