WOW! for Homeschooling Families

This WOW! program is one of many K-12 STEM Programs through the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Educational Outreach Office that offers free resources to teachers and parents.
Visit WOW! in the Classroom Webpage
Our goals include helping you meet STEM objectives in your curriculum, as well as introducing students to Air Force personnel and exciting STEM career ideas. Our Wizards are all WPAFB volunteers – scientists, engineers, researchers, Active-Duty Military Personnel and other experts that will present our lessons and hands-on activities in-person. We have several options to choose from when deciding where our Wizard can meet with your homeschool students. There will need to be a minimum of 10 students participating, and a maximum of 25.
Our website has many lessons to choose from. The WOW! in the Classroom page will not only list all of these titles but also give you the following information.
- Lesson summary
- Time length of the lesson
- Suggested grade level
- Included activities
- If this lesson includes group work
- ODE standards that can be connected to the lesson
If scheduling one of our Wizards to meet with your students in-person doesn’t work out, you can borrow the materials you need, and present the lesson yourself.
You can also borrow STEM equipment to use in your own lessons…we offer everything from beakers and graduated cylinders to microscopes and thermal imaging cameras.
- Single student/families are able to borrow materials for their individual child/children.
- When borrowing materials, you would need to meet me (or someone from our office) near WPAFB to both pick-up and return the materials.
- Materials will be lent for 3-5 days (exceptions are possible).
Visit WOW! Remote Lessons Webpage
We will offer our WOW! in the Classroom presentations to you through video communication without sending a visitor into your classroom. (Right now we are set up with Zoom and Google Meet.)
How will this work?
- Please submit your request through Survey Monkey.
- I will contact you to confirm the schedule.
- Presentations will be for groups of 10-25 students.
- Whatever materials our Wizard would normally bring, I will send through WOW! on Wheels.
- Materials will be delivered a few days early, so you have a chance to go through everything and set it up in a way that works best for you.
- At the scheduled time our Wizard can lead the lesson from here in the WOW! office.