Scanning Electron Microscope EDucatorS
SEMEDS (pronounced with a short "e") is a unique program that brings local students and their teachers to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) to operate state-of-the-art scanning electron microscopes in a real life laboratory setting. This motivating educational outreach program is conducted by volunteers from across WPAFB and is sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory Materials and Manufacturing Directorate.

SEMEDS is a two-hour after school program for high school and middle school students. Each session can accommodate 18 students and up to two sessions are offered each month. The session begins with a brief explanation of what a SEM is, how it works and the scientific concepts behind it. Students are also briefed on typical careers and training needed in the microscopy field. They are then escorted to one of the SEM labs for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity... to experience first hand what it's like to use a $500,000 microscope to explore a wide variety of unique and everyday specimens. Bringing students into a world-class facility, introducing them to the elite researchers who work there, and allowing them to use the same equipment they use, in their laboratories, is a very special experience that cannot be duplicated.
Email or call (937) 656-2273 for more information.