Classroom Speakers
Wright Patterson houses a variety of professionals who are available to provide in-person and virtual career talks for local K-12 classrooms. These professionals can be from the military or civilian workforce. Requests are for subject matter experts to discuss their work, experiences, and lead interactive activities. In-person speaker requests are limited to a 35-mile radius around WPAFB. For schools outside this area, virtual speaker options are available. Let us know your curriculum needs, and we'll match you with an engaging speaker(s) for either in-person or remote presentations.
Classroom Speaker requests typically limited to a 35 mile radius of WPAFB.

Professions include:
- Scientist
- Engineers (Aerospace, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, etc.)
- Technicians
- Mathematicians
- Medical Staff
- College Students
- Pilots
- Crew Chiefs
Contact Bre for more information.
All requests MUST come from a teacher or school staff member.
The Education Outreach office reserves the right to cancel events due to surges in COVID-19 cases or changes in or elevation of health protection conditions - HPCONs. We will attempt to give as much notice as possible if a cancelation occurs. As a Wright-Patterson AFB organization, we must adhere to DoD, DAF, and/or WPAFB guidelines.